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“Thou art worthy, O Lord to receive glory and honour and
power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they
are and were created.” (Revelation 4:11)
It is not unusual to hear Christians say that “God is good, all the
time and all the time, God is good.” Although it is a phrase that
is adamantly repeated in churches around the world, Christians
rarely take the time to document just how good God really is.
When I stop to reflect on all the blessings our Heavenly Father
has actually bestowed upon me I just want to let the world and
Him know how grateful I am that He loves me. He sent His Son
to save me and the Holy Ghost to guide me.
My passion for God impels me to try to memorialize my
thoughts, emotions and gratitude of and to the all-wise, lover
of my soul.
My salvation, health and prosperity comes from God through
the words in the Bible, the fellowship of prayer and affirmation,
which continually builds my faith.
He is worthy to be praised!
“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament
sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and
night unto night sheweth knowledge.” (Psalm 19:1-2)
God created everything in nature. There are so many things that
reflect God’s nature. The weather, trees, flowers, the seasons,
the night sky, every animal, bird fish and insect.
Even as we sleep, our dreams reflect a plethora of God’s
creations as we fly through the crisp clean air, climb majestic
mountains, swim in crystal blue waters, explore exquisite rock
formations in unique caves, etc.
The beauty of nature is absolutely spectacular. Walking through
any arboretum or botanical garden will have you spellbound as
you admire the infinite variety of trees and flowers.
The intricacies of creation are impeccable. Only God could
fastidiously design heaven, earth and everything therein.
Praise Him for the wonders He has done.